
So, another week or two's gone by since my last post. Work's alright, happy to be making some money. Started re-reading Olia Lialina's essays and thinking about the Windows Phone again. I do that when I’m feeling a certain way; nostalgic maybe? or perhaps just sad. I never thought I’d miss the Metro design language, but here we are.

I’m still getting trained in at work, and they keep giving me scavenger hunts rather than just telling me what to do. It’s getting really bothersome, and I’ve asked them to not do that. Oh well, that’s a relatively minor complaint. I’d rather know what to fix when I make an error than fumbling around guessing. I said as much to the coworker training me, and she was very nice about it.

Imaju mnogo samotnost i nedostatočno spanje.

Pro tip: Don’t skip breakfast. I’ve been waking up later than I want to recently, and skipping breakfast is the worst. I don’t have time to make something, kaj honeste mi sentas kunpremata, kiel mi ne havas mian mem spacon.

Mi havas nur unu celon, kaj mi malkontentiĝas kiam mi sentas, ke mi perdas tempon aŭ kiam mi sentas, ke mi ne faras progreson al l’celo.

I'm really hungry, gonna go get something to eat now.

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