Up too late, too many thoughts

So, even though I didn't drink a lot of coffee yesterday, I'm up super late again. Maybe it's because I woke up late and then didn't really eat all that much. I figured out (partially) why my connection has been so slow: system daemons have been trying to pull very large wallpaper files from the Internet all day every day for a while now, which has completely saturated the 2010-era bandwidth I have here (thanks Tim Apple). So, I found a way to limit them and things are going a little more smoothly.

Mi mesaĝis kun la belulino hieraŭ, kaj la mesaĝado estis bona. Mi ne scias kaj ne povas scii kion, enhavos la futuro. Do, tagon post tago.

I've maybe been offered a chance to go to seminary in Iași. It's a lot to think about, and a lot to pray about. It's not something to decide right away, but I'm in a very good spot for it. Tamen, mia respondo al la demando "ĉu vi konsiderus iĝi pastro" ne ŝanĝiĝas: mi nur konsiderus tion post geedzeco.

We'll see.

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