Ĉio pliboniĝas matene

As I've been here, I've had a lot of time to think. A little while ago I did a self-test for depression on my phone. I'm not gonna self-diagnose, but it got me thinking. The days I feel worst about myself and about what I'm doing are the days where I have nobody to talk to and nothing to do. I miss my friends and family, and the glacial downlink I have access to is aggravating. (Dear game developers: please don't release 130GB patches kthx). All of this will be forgotten tomorrow.

Classes are alright, all things considered. There are a few classes that I should probably stop boðering wiþ, like the theory class (only in Greek) and the manuscripts class (more in Greek than not). I also just remembered that I have a book in English that I should be using here.

Honeste, mi neniam aŭdis pri masjstra programo tiel malorganizita kiel ĉi-tio. La fakto ke mi pripensas forigi kelkajn kursojn: ĉu tio estas normala en majstraj programoj? Ĝi ŝajnas malnormale.

One of my professors is the protopsaltis at a local church, and I asked to join him (and the other chanters) at the analogion tomorrow. I'm a little nervous, but I know it'll be fine. I don't have any obligations, and if I stick to the ison everything will be ok.

Mi havos du semajnojn post Kristnasko libere, kaj mi ne scias, kion mi faros. Mi memoras, ke du de amikoj miaj ankaŭ studas en Eŭropo, eble mi demandos al ili pri vojaĝeto.

Mi estas seniluziigita pri la malrapida interretakonekto ĉi tie. Tra la interreto, mi rigardis ekstere la kolapson de la relato inter du da miaj amikoj, kaj mi malŝatas la sencon, ke mi ne povas influi nenion. Kaj la tujmesaĝoj pri filmnoktoj de ŝia servilo ĝenigas.

Things are overall going well, but I'm not going to be overly emotional when I head back home. I'll probably miss some things, yes, but I won't be crushed.

Life is merely an orderly decay of energy states, and survival requires the continual discovery of new energy to pump into the system. He who controls the sources of energy controls the means of survival.
– CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"
He held his arm too stiffly, and so was thrown back repeatedly, until at last I seized his forearm and snapped it back against itself. His training suffered while the arm healed, of course, but I felt this was a lesson he must learn early, and well.
– Spartan Kel, "Honing the Ki"

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