April (snow) showers; Holy Week

Servus, gemini

I spent a long time at the art museum with my girlfriend on Saturday. She studied art history and Asian art in college; it was really enjoyable to hear what she had to say as I know about words, not images. I like her a lot. We wound up staying til closing time at the museum.

The weather here has been wintry, albeit in character for April. It's snowing often, but the snow melts as it hits the ground.

My uncle caught þe Respiratorie Ailment most Foul, and his unvaccinated wife and son probably brought it to grandma. I'm nuclear mad about it (but just critical, not supercritical). What gets me the most is that I can't do anything about it, so I'll just keep my distance and keep moving forward.

Holy Week is this week. With grandma (and grandpa, probably) sick we won't be able to see them at Pascha. Inshallah they get well in time for Pascha, but probably we'll have to see them in a few weeks.

Tebě, Gospod stvorjenja
so ččenjem glubokym my poklonimo se
vsekto jesmo mrtvi v grehu
v Tobě, Isuse, my jesmo živemo

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